Thursday, May 28, 2015

Using Meditation for Manifesting One’s Own Reality

Do you find it difficult to manifest positive things into your life?  Is it hard for you to stay positive when so many things are going on around you?  Many people can feel this way when their mind feels like it is going 100 mph.  Things can even feel like it is getting worse and no matter how hard you try the world feels like it is coming down on you.

This is a very normal and human feeling.  Life can be a very challenging existence, but it can also be very rewarding when you figure out how to use life as a tool rather than letting it use you.  What I mean by this is that when you are grounded, centered and in touch with your spirit on a daily basis you are able to make decisions more easily and go day-by-day without letting life feel like a burden.  Many of times, people can feel like they need to control life to make things happen the way they desire it to.  Dragging their heels in the dirt when they feel like life is headed in the wrong direction.  This is when life will push back and respond to your initial and current requests. 

Let’s say you have asked for a raise at work and for God to point you in the direction to achieve this.  People may think that a promotion, after all their hard work, would be the answer.  The promotion at work would answer their request, but this doesn’t always happen.  All that the universe heard is that you wanted a raise at work.  So, the universe can respond in many different ways and still have met your request.  It doesn’t mean it won’t happen if you change jobs, move because of a transfer, get fired, or have another life change happen…it is leading you to your request believe it or not.

So, what can you do to help create and manifest your reality after you have asked for your desired outcome?  Meditation is an excellent way to create, manifest, and keep yourself centered and grounded.  This will help keep you stay focused and positive so what you have asked for can come into reality even faster.  Taking as little as five minutes every day to quiet your mind and center your spirit can create the positive momentum you need to accomplish everything you set your mind to.

You may be thinking, how does one meditate?  Maybe this is a foreign word and activity to you.  The best way I can explain meditation is that it is quieting the mind to achieve inner connection.  This can start off with sitting in the park and shutting your eyes and just letting your mind fixate on one thing.  Don’t let your mind wonder off, if it does just direct it back to the initial stimulus.  This will train your mind on staying in one place at one time.  You can even use a candle to direct your thoughts and mind into the flame.  Focus on your breathing and let yourself go into each breath.  This may not be easy at first, but with time and dedication you can achieve a meditative state.  One last idea on how you can practice meditation is by getting a CD that has nature sounds or soft relaxing music and let yourself go by laying back and focusing your thoughts on your breathing while the music is playing.  Before you know it you will be relaxed, focused, and ready to take on the rest of your day. 

Using these beginner tools on meditation you can focus your thoughts on your initial goal or request and keep yourself center and positive to manifest everything you want in life.  It all begins with a positive thought and keeping yourself connected to the flow of life.

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