Saturday, June 27, 2015

Creating Calm in a Stressful Situation

Being in a stressful situation can be very difficult and unnerving.  It can seem like you can’t think, breathe, and that the current problem is unsolvable.  We have all been in a state of stress, no matter if it is positive or negative it is still stress.

As human beings it can seem like we are led by emotion, ego, or thoughts when it comes to stress.  This can sometimes lead us down a path that can create more of what you started with.  So what can you do about it?

There are tools that you can use to create a foundation to better deal with any stress that may come into your life.  Using tools such as meditation, exercise, eating right, and getting enough sleep is what many people think about when it comes to creating a centered and positive foundation.  This does definitely help, but there are other methods or tools that can also help.

One thing you can do is eliminate any negativity or stressful items, people, or surrounding energy linked in, to or around your home.  Your home should be a place of solitude and positivity.  Start with clearing out the clutter or unnecessary items that are in closets, cupboards and drawers.  This will clear up space and you will be surprised how good you will feel afterwards.  It is said that to create new things in your life you need to clear out the old.  Think about it as pruning a rose bush.  You have to get rid of the old and unruly part of the bush to create the flowers or what the bush is actually meant to create.

Another thing you can do is to always take time for yourself.  I know this can be difficult when you may have children, but even 5 minutes of what you LOVE to do can make a difference.  This time set for yourself can renew the spirit and bring insight to your current situations.  Overall this will help keep you centered and grounded.  Making you a more positive parent, spouse, friend, or acquaintance.  Also, try to create the time of waking up and going to sleep as being a positive manifesting activity.  Say something positive before or after bedtime.  This will create the intention for a positive day.

Using tools such as essential oils, herbs, or crystal/gems are also a great tool for personal use.  Read up on what certain oils, herbs or gems are good for.  All of these things come from the earth and are meant to heal.  Each having their own special vibration can bring peace, healing, and health to your spirit, mind and body.  Having them around your home or on or in your body can connect you with the source of all that is positive, and can replenish what you may need at that time. 

To learn more about how to use gemstones or what gemstones may be good for you in your life or current situation call Wendy Kern, owner of Sophia Jaxon Creations, at 805-208-2700.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Using Meditation for Manifesting One’s Own Reality

Do you find it difficult to manifest positive things into your life?  Is it hard for you to stay positive when so many things are going on around you?  Many people can feel this way when their mind feels like it is going 100 mph.  Things can even feel like it is getting worse and no matter how hard you try the world feels like it is coming down on you.

This is a very normal and human feeling.  Life can be a very challenging existence, but it can also be very rewarding when you figure out how to use life as a tool rather than letting it use you.  What I mean by this is that when you are grounded, centered and in touch with your spirit on a daily basis you are able to make decisions more easily and go day-by-day without letting life feel like a burden.  Many of times, people can feel like they need to control life to make things happen the way they desire it to.  Dragging their heels in the dirt when they feel like life is headed in the wrong direction.  This is when life will push back and respond to your initial and current requests. 

Let’s say you have asked for a raise at work and for God to point you in the direction to achieve this.  People may think that a promotion, after all their hard work, would be the answer.  The promotion at work would answer their request, but this doesn’t always happen.  All that the universe heard is that you wanted a raise at work.  So, the universe can respond in many different ways and still have met your request.  It doesn’t mean it won’t happen if you change jobs, move because of a transfer, get fired, or have another life change happen…it is leading you to your request believe it or not.

So, what can you do to help create and manifest your reality after you have asked for your desired outcome?  Meditation is an excellent way to create, manifest, and keep yourself centered and grounded.  This will help keep you stay focused and positive so what you have asked for can come into reality even faster.  Taking as little as five minutes every day to quiet your mind and center your spirit can create the positive momentum you need to accomplish everything you set your mind to.

You may be thinking, how does one meditate?  Maybe this is a foreign word and activity to you.  The best way I can explain meditation is that it is quieting the mind to achieve inner connection.  This can start off with sitting in the park and shutting your eyes and just letting your mind fixate on one thing.  Don’t let your mind wonder off, if it does just direct it back to the initial stimulus.  This will train your mind on staying in one place at one time.  You can even use a candle to direct your thoughts and mind into the flame.  Focus on your breathing and let yourself go into each breath.  This may not be easy at first, but with time and dedication you can achieve a meditative state.  One last idea on how you can practice meditation is by getting a CD that has nature sounds or soft relaxing music and let yourself go by laying back and focusing your thoughts on your breathing while the music is playing.  Before you know it you will be relaxed, focused, and ready to take on the rest of your day. 

Using these beginner tools on meditation you can focus your thoughts on your initial goal or request and keep yourself center and positive to manifest everything you want in life.  It all begins with a positive thought and keeping yourself connected to the flow of life.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Creating Peace Everyday!

It seems like a person’s daily life is getting busier and busier as time goes by.  With this very busy lifestyle, you may see more stress, anxiety, and the manifestation of an even more busy life.  When all a person wants is to be happy, enjoy what they are trying to create, and do it will little or no stress. 

So how can one lead a calm and busy lifestyle?  Well eating properly and engaging in an enjoyable exercise program can help.  Even getting out into nature for a walk or hike will help lower stress levels.  Meditation, even for a few minutes each day, can help ground and center your mind, body and spirit.

Another option is to use essential oils and wear healing gemstones.  Some of the best gemstones are used in the jewelry made by Sophia Jaxon Creations.  With the power of healing energy infused into each gemstone creation, they are sure to help with your stressful and busy life.

Some of the most useful gemstones for creating peace and alleviating stress are: Apophyllite, Blue Calcite, Cerussite, Iron Pyrite, Kunzite, Agate, Blue Lace Agate, Fire Agate, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Citrine, Howlite, Selenite, and many others.  Using these gemstones in a creative way with jewelry will ensure that you have a lasting effect all day long. 

One of my favorite gemstones for creating peace is Selenite.  Selenite is a calm stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work.  A large piece of Selenite placed in your home can ensure a peaceful environment.  Using it in a piece from Sophia Jaxon Creations will help you wherever you go from day-to-day.

This month on Facebook we doing a giveaway contest.  This features an Amethyst & Sterling Silver anklet that is accented with a peace sign.  Amethyst is used to help protect and transmutes an energy into love. Amethyst can help overcome addictions and blockages of any kind.  It is very beneficial to the mind, and can calm or stimulate as appropriate.  It can help you feel more focused and in control of your life.  If you would like to enter this contest visit the Sophia Jaxon Creations Facebook page. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Using Gemstones to Calm & Block Negative Energy Everyday

Going through daily life can be challenging and exhausting.  Stresses and negative energy can bombard us around every corner at any given moment.  So how can you eliminate negative energy while keeping a calm body, mind and spirit? 

Gemstones can be the answer for almost anything in your life, including eliminating negative energy.  This month on my social media sites we have been talking about some particular gemstones that help with this matter.  We are now going to go over these in greater detail.

·         Snowflake Obsidian – this mottled black and white gemstone creates the effect of snowflakes on the black surface.  Snowflake Obsidian calms and soothes, putting you in the right frame of mind to be receptive to incoming information.  It is a stone of purity, providing balance for your body, mind, and spirit.  Snowflake Obsidian can help you recognize and release wrong thinking and stressful mental patterns.  When using this gemstone, isolation and loneliness becomes empowering, and helps you surrender in meditation.  Also, Snowflake Obsidian is a very protective stone and is excellent for wearing in public places, especially big gatherings, and is effective at blocking all negative energies.

·         Carnelian – is a small translucent pebble, often water-worn or tumbled.  It comes in any of the following colors: red, orange, pink, or brown.  Carnelian grounds and anchors you in the present reality.   It is great for restoring vitality and motivation, and stimulating creativity.  This amazing gem helps sharpen concentration, it is a powerful protector against rage, envy, and resentment, yours or other peoples.  It destroys emotional negativity and replaces it with love.

·         Labradorite – is grayish to black with blue, yellow.  Labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone.  Labradorite deflects unwanted energies from the aura and prevents energy leakage.  This stone stimulates intuition and psychic gifts.  Labradorite banishes fears and negative energies from previous disappointments, including those of past lives.  Labradorite can calm an overactive mind and energize the imagination to bring up new ideas.  Lastly, Labradorite is a great stone to have to help through change, imparting strength and perseverance. 

·         Iron Pyrite – is a gold or brownish, metallic stone.  It can be cubic in appearance.  Iron Pyrite is an excellent energy shield.  It can block out negative energy and pollutants.  Iron Pyrite is a very positive stone.  It can help overcome inertia and feeling of inadequacy.  This amazing gemstone can relieve anxiety and frustration and can boost self-worth. 

·         Rose Quartz - is pink in color and is usually translucent.  This amazing stone is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace.  It is calming, reassuring, and is an excellent stone to use for trauma or crisis.  Rose Quartz gently draws out negative energies while replacing it with love.  Rose Quartz can open your heart so you are more receptive.  This stone encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance, and invokes self-trust and self-worth.

·         Prehnite – can be green, yellow, white, or brown in color.  Prehnite is a stone of unconditional love and can heal the healer.  It is a stone that calms the environment and brings peace and protection.  Prehnite can help alleviate nightmares, phobias, and deep fears. 

These are only a few stones that can help calm and eliminate negative energy.  Wearing these particular stone alone or in unison with other complementing stones can help keep you balanced and protected in your everyday life.  All references come from the book ‘The Crystal Bible’, by Judy Hall.  If you are interested in know more about wearing these amazing gems while also creating a personalized look for you, give Wendy Kern, owner of Sophia Jaxon Creations, a call today at (805) 208-2700. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Speaking Your Truth


For this first blog I am going to being speaking about part of my truth.  The importance of not only knowing who you are, but living who you are and it is becoming more prevalent every day.  We as a whole are becoming our true selves, more aware, stronger and focused.

In this journey of becoming my true self I have encountered many trials and it has only made me stronger.  It may not have been an easy journey, but I have come out of it with a wonderful husband, two beautiful children, and a company that lets me use my gifts to help others. 

One of my personal truths is to come out of my shell and show the world a big part of myself.  One part is Sophia Jaxon Creations.  This company started with me just playing with items that meant something to me, and I found I had a gift.  A gift to energetically pour positive energy into these gems, crystals and stones that are used for each special spiritual healing device. 

When I sit down to make a creation, I center my spirit and use meditation to quiet my mind so each piece can materialize into its true form.  I want a person to know that when they buy a unique Sophia Jaxon Creation it is infused with positive Reiki energy.  Each piece has its own purpose of healing and that by wearing it you are wrapped up in love, acceptance and happiness.  That you are never alone because the energy of the Universe is with you.

Did you know that every gem/crystal/stone has a purpose for healing?  Take this month’s freebie on Facebook.  I used Blue Topaz, Blue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli and Aquamarine.  Blue Topaz aids in the throat and third eye chakra.  It is an excellent color for meditation and attuning to the higher self.  Blue Lace Agate is a wonderful healing stone.  It heals and activates the throat chakra allowing free expression of thoughts and feelings.  Lapis Lazuli opens the third eye and balances the throat chakra.  This stone quickly releases stress and brings peace.  Aquamarine is a stone of courage.  It quiets the mind and reduces stress.  So when all of these stones are brought together with the same purpose, it becomes a powerhouse of healing.  You can feel how amazing each piece is when you place them in your hands.  The wonderful thing is that you will know which creation is meant for you because it will inspire you and make you feel at peace.

Thank you for taking the time to share in this moment with me and I look forward in many more in the future.  Visit my website at and all my social media sites.  Have a wonderful day!